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5 solitary retreat cabins at Sudarshanaloka

Our five different solitary retreat cabins offer a variety of choice spanning from the conveniences of modern living like hot showers to a more rustic and simple NZ bach set back in the bush. (sorry the map is not immediately helpful but click the minus button at the bottom-right of the map to zoom out)

Booking Info & Location

admin [at]
126 Victoria Street,
Waikato PO Box 538,
New Zealand


If you have stayed at 5 solitary retreat cabins at Sudarshanaloka and wish to leave a comment here that others may find useful to know please feel use the button below.


The information about these solitary venues is offered in good faith but neither nor the European Chairs Assembly (which administers this site) can accept responsibility for any harm or disappointment you experience. Please read the information carefully and view all pictures to assess their suitability for you.