Privacy policy


The editorial team of takes the issue of your online privacy seriously. If you have any questions concerning our privacy policy that are not addressed here, please contact as below:

Our details

This website is administered by Triratna European Chairs’ Assembly (ECA), Adhisthana, Coddington, Ledbury, HR8 1JL, U.K.

You can contact us via

information collection and use

By submitting a comment on this website collects the following information about you: your name, your comment and your email address. By writing a comment on the site you give your consent that we can hold this information about you. You are not required to provide this information when using the website except when leaving a public comment. We use your contact details so that we can contact you in case we have a query about your comment. also collects information about your use of our website including IP address, how much time you spend on the site and what you like to view. We collect this information from both registered users and general visitors to the site. This data is used solely to manage the website, track usage and improve our website services. This information does not identify the user personally and may be shared with third-parties to provide more relevant services, for example with google analytics.

Correcting, updating or removing personal information

If you have previously submitted a comment to the website you can ask to have your personal information removed from our system at any time by contacting the website directly using the contact details shown above and on the ‘Contact’ page of this site. You can also request that we give you a copy of the data we hold on you in a machine-readable format.

Sharing and disclosure of information we collect

We will never sell or trade your personal data or disclose your personal information to any third party unless we believe that disclosure is necessary:

  1. To conform to legal requirements
  2. To protect our rights
  3. To protect the safety of members of the public or those attending the Buddhist Centre
  4. The dharmachakra servers that hosts all EU Triratna websites are located in the UK. All non-EU dharmachakra websites are located on a server in the US; and the Google cloud account has legally adequate Safe Harbour provisions in relation to EU data laws.

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Links contains links to other Triratna websites particularly Triratna retreat centres which you may find useful or of interest. We are not responsible for the privacy policies and/or practices on other sites. When linking to another site, the user should satisfy themselves as to the privacy policy stated on that site. Our privacy policy only governs information collected on our site.


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