Retreat Types

Introductory / Open

These retreats are open to everyone regardless of experience.

Regular Meditation

These retreats are open to people who have a regular meditation practice.

Triratna Regular

These retreats are open to people who have a regular meditation practice as taught by the Triratna Buddhist Community and are familiar with the seven fold puja.

Triratna Mitra

These retreats are open to Triratna Mitras - people who have made a commitment to the Triratna Buddhist Community through taking part in a Triratna Mitra Ceremony.

Going for Refuge

These retreats are open to people who have requested to be ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order, the central purpose of which is dedicating their life to the act of Going For Refuge to the Buddha, the Dharma (his teachings), and the Sangha (or spiritual community).

Order Member

These retreats are open to those who have been ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order.

If you are not sure if a particular retreat is suitable for you, please contact that retreat centre directly and they will be happy to advise.